Winter arrived!


I went in for an induction today at 7:30am. They started giving me Pitocin right away. By the time my Pitocin was at 10 (they increased the drops per minute by two every 20 minutes), I got the epidural. I wasn’t in significant pain, and I was doing well bouncing on the ball. However, I was hungry, and they said once I got the epidural they would break my water and baby would come soon.

I was much more lucid for the epidural this time because I wasn’t blinded by pain. The doctor was great. I didn’t feel much other than the lidocaine shot, which was the worst part. Soon I was numb! I was still a 5 though (I arrived at a 4). My midwife broke my water at 1:05PM. There was soooo much fluid. Ha. I told my husband, “I will have this baby by 3:10!” He told me I was crazy. Even at 1:30, my contractions looked like they had most the day. They brought me a peanut ball and put it between my legs, switching sides after about 30 minutes.

At 2:30PM, the nurse checked me. I was a 7/8. She said baby was very low and she immediately looked rushed. She said she would let my midwife know I was progressing quickly and she was needed. Immediately the room was packed and the equipment was out and in place. It was surreal and I felt completely overwhelmed with emotion. At 2:50, the nurse checked and I was at a 10. My midwife arrived shortly after, and checked me. She had me push on the next contraction, but immediately had me stop. Baby slipped out after only half a push!

I had a beautiful, healthy baby girl at 3:09! I didn’t tear at all, which was a blessing after tearing in 4 places with my first. I got some stitches just to reinforce my perineum, as it didn’t heal properly last time.

She’s nursing great and latching well without the assistance of a nipple shield. She’s an excellent sleeper so far. I feel incredibly blessed.

I feel like I got off easy. This was the simplest labor and delivery ever. I hardly felt anything at all, and it went so quickly!

Meet Winter Lily. She is 8lbs 6oz and 21.25 inches long. Born 01/27.

To all the mommas having inductions who feel intimidated: don’t be. It CAN be a super positive experience.