The waiting is the worst


I didn’t want to post this in my pregnancy group because I don’t want to upset anxious mamas but I feel like I need to talk about it and get a little support.

I should be 6 weeks along tomorrow. So I’m very early yet. Yesterday, I started feeling some different changes. My back started aching, uterus felt heavy, cramps were different than before. Then I started spotting a thick brown mucous last night which has been going on since. I contacted my care team and the only thing I basically got from them was “if you start bleeding red, we can check for viability and do rhogam.” Until then, I’m just supposed to wait and see.

It’s consuming all of me. I get shaky every time I use the bathroom and see the spotting (spotting isn’t really the right word, it’sheavier than spotting but not bleeding) and yet at the same time I’m laying around nauseated from the pregnancy hormones.

It’s so hard to just wait and try to stay calm 😢