1 year old started screaming when put in crib??


Is anyone else going through this?? My son has been an AMAZING sleeper for about 8 months now, we would put him in the crib and he would play with his pig until he fell asleep. But for the past 2 weeks now he screams every time he’s put in the crib and fights his sleep. Our schedule hasn’t changed and we’ve already dropped his second nap 2 months ago.

I hate leaving him there to cry to sleep but nothing I do soothes him, he just gets worse if I try to rub his back or sing to him. If I rock him to the point of being drowsy he still screams, if I rock him to the point of sleeping he screams when he’s put down.

I’m 38 weeks pregnant and super nervous to have another baby come into the situation before I sort this out.

Not sure if it matters but he did learn to climb out the crib 4 weeks ago, but we adjusted it to the floor.