Venting. I don’t even know what I need here lol.

I’m a single mom and I am freaking TIRED and in an awful mood. I wake up at 5am everyday to have time in the Bible and get my head straight, well now my kids have started waking up that early. I stay up 2.5 hours after they are in bed to clean and get things ready for the morning and it makes no fucking difference. There are Always things falling everywhere, things being destroyed, I have to carry LITERALLY 50lbs of CRAP to work every day (food, homeschool,

Diaper bag, jackets, etc.) that’s without my 45lb 4yo who often freaks the fuck out and I have to carry him kicking and flailing. My 1yo never fails to find old food no matter how much I sweep (I swear he grabs some from the garbage), he’s constantly after the garbage toilet or diaper pail or on top of something (like the dining table, it’s super safe, really) , My 4yo is seriously ALWAYS stepping RIGHT in front of me as I am trying to walk or get things together to leave, moving toys right into the walkway, he’s also talking like a speech delayed 2yo because his friend does and it is absolutely aggravating with how much I have worked with him on his words, I can’t focus on my therapy sessions anymore because my 1yo is napping later and I have zero support so now my kids interrupt the entire time and my attention is divided, my 4yo is having behavioral issues and I’m at my end so tired of dealing with his unmanageable behavior daily, my 1yo is running out of the room as I’m trying to chip away at the literal hour+ of dishes left from my nanny family before we even get there, the dad forgets to actually close doors so my 1yo is constantly running into their room or his office as he works from home. I work my ASS off trying to be the best mom/human and it feels like it’s going nowhere. I’m just TIRED. Really freaking tired. Anytime I want to see anyone I have to go to them most the time I’m just tired and mad. I feel like I’m on a damn hamster wheel with ZERO support and non stop and getting NO WHERE.