Newborn Nasal Congestion


So my daughter is 3 weeks old and during labor, inhaled a lot of the amniotic fluid and had to have it suctioned out. They said she would cough up fluid a bit and not to worry and that she would be congested because her nasal passages are still so small. So we went home the day after her birth and she couldn’t lay flat or eat properly because she couldn’t really breathe out of her nose. We asked her pediatrician about and he said to use saline drops and suction her nose out before feedings. So we have been doing this and good size boogers come out but it only seems to help her for a few minutes and then she’s back to wheezing and spitting her food out the sides of her mouth. I feel like she’s getting worse. When we first brought her home she made small sounds but nothing to worry about. Now she is full on wheezing, snoring, honking sounds when she sleeps. She has to sleep inclined still. And when she’s awake she seems like she can’t catch her breath and her breaths are doubled like skipping. We have our next appointment on the 4th, but I’m wondering if we should go in sooner. I know it’s because her nose is small, but with the wheezing and weather I’m worried it may be in her chest and we not know it. Did any other mommies have this with their babies? If so how did you deal with it and how long did it last? I feel like I’m failing her. I know she can’t breathe and it’s breaking my heart!