Anyone have trouble with pregmate?

Back a positive with FRER two days before my period. Another positive the next morning. Started bleeding at noon and bled for two days. Then all the bleeding stopped. On Monday I took a pregmate dip test and it had a line. I was in disbelief. Since then, it shows a faint pink line. It’s not black/grey and I even compared it to another pregmate test that was negative that I took last cycle (obviously a photo). Just really unsure of what is going on because the line hasn’t gone away, but it hasn’t gotten darker either. I had blood drawn Tuesday and am currently waiting for the results and I go tomorrow to have more blood drawn to check my hcg levels. Just curious as to everyone else’s experiences. I also let this test sit for 3 minutes before I ever looked at it, and made sure all the dye had completely ran. It’s not touching the other test. I’m checking my LH levels as well because I don’t want to find out from blood I’m not pregnant, and not have been checking for my LH surge this month.