Crushing hard

Does anyone else feel like feelings are the worst? I haven’t dated anyone in a really long time because I haven’t felt like I was emotionally connecting with anyone.

But now I’m crushing hard over someone I can’t even date.

He’s the kindest human ever. He’s compassionate, caring, passionate in his work, patient— I mean, what a guy. I get the warm fuzzies around him, because his energy is so asdfghjkl (I can’t even put it into words).

Sadly, I can’t date him because our ethics code won’t allow us to. I haven’t felt this way about anyone in a long time. It honestly just bums me out.

I’ve been crushing on him for a while now. Yesterday I just went out and said it. I said “If you weren’t (supervisor title I can’t date per ethics code), I would’ve already asked you out!”

He responded very kindly, but obviously we know the ethical response is that it’s not even a possibility.

I wish I could just stop myself from crushing so hard!!!