Spotting pink/light brown rust?


Today i am 7dpo. When i went pee and wiped i looked at the toilet paper and it was pink. I was freaking out like ok ok don’t get too excited. I wiped again and it was a light brown pink rusty color. I kept looking at my pee in the toilet like ok maybe its my pee thats super dark but why is it pink? I keep thinking about it like is it my eyes and mind playing tricks on me because i want to be pregnant so bad? Now ever since when i go pee i check to see if its pink on the toilet paper and im clean. I was looking at my pregnany prediction on this app and it saids low so im kinda down.. anyone have any suggestions about it being normal to spot pink on 7dpo. Is this a sign of pregnancy or false alarm? Any advice? Im still learning while ttc.