Morning sickness - well constant


Anyone else suffering so bad?!

I’m between 6-7 weeks somewhere (have follow up scan Monday and I expect to measure a bit behind as I know I ovulated late.)

Omg the constant heaving and nausea and now multiple retching episodes and vomiting has hit me hard - my stomach aches so much.

I’ve asked for anti sickness but gp won’t until I’m sick More.

I literally am struggling all day and night (affects sleep too) and I work from home with a 21 month old too!

All I’ve done is cry this week because I feel so rough and think I’ve pulled muscles now in my tummy as it hurts and ribs ache too. (Had same with my daughter when pregnant.)

I eat small and often (2hrly otherwise it’s worse.)

Sipping ice cold water or juice (only thing I can handle)

Pasta or bread is my meal and snacking on ginger biscuits or rich tea or cold grapes from fridge only curb my sickness a short while.

Any tips to survive?!

What else can I do?

I have not told work because I don’t want to just get as just want get to 12 weeks then il let them know.

But I’ve battled so much this week and virtual meetings - only so much you can hide I guess.