Needed Advil Just to Take a Dump.


You read it right.

So, a happy update (haven't d one of those in awhile 😛)

I had HORRENDOUS periods from like 12 until 16ish. Absolutely miserable. Then, I lost 80 pounds the year of 16 and they really weren't that bad anymore.

Well, obviously, exercise and healthy diet played a huuuuge role.

After my daughter was born, my cycle stopped being 32 days (it was always about that length, pretty predictable) and it was 28 days every single month, no pain AT ALL, not even a tingle or a cramp. Nothing 😊

Well, 2020 kicked my ASS. I got super stressed. My mother is dying...and she almost died in my apartment because doctors didn't take her seriously and didn't give her tests in time due to Covid as well.

I got intense stressed, for long periods of time. We thought she was going to die asap...the doctor called me and told me, a few weeks at most is what she had left. My mother is EVERYTHING. We have been through everything together and come out stronger.

My daughter worships the ground her nana walks on...

I stopped exercising. I stopped caring what I ate. I gained only 20 pounds...but that 20 AND THE STRESS made my periods go nuts. I had what we think is a mc April 2020, when this all started. Unplanned, but still, now we are trying and have been 7 months, it really hurts.

Speaking of hurt, my periods were the worst they've been since I was really young.

I had to take ADVIL TO TAKE A SHIT. Like, the intense pain was so bad, I couldn't without it.

Now? I've been walking every day or just about, watching what I eat, and trying to think positive.

Here's hoping this brings us our baby a little sooner..but if not, I'm teaching myself to let go and allow what will be, will be..