Early labor, I’m exhausted


Yesterday was the worst. I was in L&D for 5 hours with contractions back to back and getting more painful.

A nurse checked me and said I was 2 cm almost 3 cm and they would be back in an hour to recheck me and another nurse came in after the hour and said I was only at 1 cm.

So I was sent home. Still had contractions throughout the night but they stopped at 10pm. So from 12pm-10pm I had contractions. I’m exhausted today and here they are starting up again.

I’m supposed to see my dr today and I’m hoping she checks me to see if I have dilated more but I’m only 36w3d so I don’t think she will.

Now I’m scared to go back to the hospital bc I thought yesterday was the real thing and was sent home. I live 40 min from the hospital 😩

This is my third baby and I have them fast once I’m in active labor.

So done with being pregnant. It’s so uncomfortable. This is definitely my last baby.