ADHD check


I take medicine for my adhd and last time I had a refill was last year of like March. So happy to have this option available for people like me.

Explaining to people how this deficit impacts my life can be difficult sometimes.

At work, I’m a hard worker. I will do what I need to do to get my job done. Helps that I literally have no other distractions around me (working from home was a different story).

But it’s just crazy how getting tasks done at home in general are so difficult to do. I will get things done but I’ll start with one thing and then start doing something completely different. Like I’m supposed to be cleaning the kitchen but somehow end up painting our living room?? My husband would point that out and wonder why I could never get stuff done, but to me it’s always been normal.

I’ve always been that way and growing up I guess no one thought I could have add because I was shy in school?? Idk. But thankful to have something that helps now.

I also don’t take the meds every day because 1. Why take it if I don’t absolutely need it some days 2. I don’t want to have to keep taking stronger prescriptions. I hate taking medicine in the first place so if I can not be totally reliant on it, I’ll do that.

Just a rant, maybe it’ll help someone somehow. If you think you have adhd or whatever it may be. Go talk to your doctor, get tested. Everyday tasks do not have to be so fucking hard and overwhelming. ADHD is also so different from person to person. You don’t have to be loud and “annoying” to have it. Take it from the chick who was “shy” at school who has it but could never figure out why she could never get her schoolwork done.