Was breaking up w my ex the right call?

Over Thanksgiving my boyfriend (now ex) and I decided to do different things with our own families. He told me he was going to be at his aunts and I said I'd be with my grandparents. He stopped texting me at 1 and didn't text me for 11 hours. (We'd been having some issues before this but we were getting along fine that morning) I was waiting to see if he'd ever text me and I had been waiting until 11pm, and that's when I decided to get on Snapchat and what do I find? He posted a video of him and some other people in a car blasting music and I'm pretty sure they had smoked pot bc of something one of the guys in the car said. I texted him, cussed him out and asked him why he hasn't texted me for 11hrs and where he'd been. He told me he was at his aunts and then went somewhere else. I asked him what he's been doing this whole time and he said "Chilling" and I asked why he couldn't text me and he then said it was bc he was busy...I'm almost 100% sure he was trying to keep something from me and yea..I feel like I made the right decision..maybe I'm just posting on here because I'm hurt that he didn't even put up a fight when I broke up with him. He just let me go..any advice would be greatly appreciated.