Is my dream a sign?

Samantha • Girl mom 02/04

So yesterday I finally got my peak ovulation test on a clearblue advanced test (solid smile) and then my husband and I went out on a drive and I saw this rainbow barely peaking under the clouds before sunset.

The sun is to the left of the picture <-

Well last night I had a dream that my husband and I went on a date to see hot air balloons. We ended up being able to ride one and we went up above the clouds with other air balloons. After my eyes adjusted to the sun light I could see 2 rainbows (not a double rainbow layered on top of each other) they were 2 separate rainbows not touching and one to my left and one to my right.

I also read tarot cards and they told me I'd have an unexpected pregnancy of twins or multiples. I may be reading into all of this too much. But this all makes me super hopeful.