Sex confession

I think about having sex with someone at least four or more times a week. Men, women, legit anyone, and I’m a virgin!

I legit have never been in a romantic relationship with someone, haven’t had my first kiss yet, hell I haven’t even held hands with someone I was interested in!

And I’m still in my teens technically, but am waaayyyy past puberty and feel like I shouldn’t be wanting to have these like urges? Or really just feelings of wanting to have sex so often.

Like I’m 19, almost 20, and just can’t wrap my head around these feelings.

In the past I would only get horny every now and then and especially around my period, but wouldn’t really think about having sex with someone. Now even if I’m not on my period I think about it. Also, I do masturbate when I’m having these major feelings, but I just don’t feel satisfied(and it’s so annoying!!).

I want to be in a good relationship with someone and have my first time be with them, but with these sex urges, I almost just want to do it with someone I don’t know or don’t know very well(which I would never do but that’s how desperate I feel).

I literally have no idea where these urges are coming from and why I’m suddenly having them, but I wish they would go away dammit!