Don’t mind me complaining 😅

✨Jay T💕 • 28 / 4.6.22💙 / Wife 💞

Just here to say at 9 DPO I am crampy/achy, gassy and constipated🥲

These cramps are dull, sometimes a twinge on my left side then right side. They feel like the same cramps when I ovulated. Period pains are usually sharp and super painful, and happens the day before or day of my period.

My back aches 😩 also dull, different from period back pain.

My boobs hurt! They feel sore and sometimes like they’re on fire. I usually never have that as a PMS thing so this is new.

Lastly I’m a “gassy a*sy” like my mom says 😅 but I have constipation no matter how much water and prune juice I drink🥺