Pills and period problems .. (Help) 😩 🩸

AMBER • Twenty four, Christian 👰🏽‍♀️✨Married 4/11/2020✨🤵🏽‍♂️ Expecting 👶🏼 October 2023

Hey guys I’m looking for some advice❤️

I’m fairly new to pills I’m a Christian and recently married so this is alll new! ✨

I’ve recently changed pills types from microgynon to cerazette, because I was getting overwhelming severe headaches / migraines each month with microgynon. But I think I’m having issues with it.

The first month went well, my period started and I started the new set of pills right away, it did make my period longer than usual but only by a day or two and made my depression pop up quite badly, however I persevered hoping it was just my body adjusting, I’m on my second month / pack of it now and this time around my period came and it hasn’t stopped since. It’s been 14 days and still going!! Like a double period pretty much 🤦🏽‍♀️ nightmare!

The pill I’m on is a mini pill and on the instructions it didn’t say anything about stopping to take them to allow for a period like my last ones did . Should I be concerned any advice would be appreciated 😫

A x x x