How long have you been trying to conceive ?

Just curious I’ve been trying for 11months. 😔

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Posted at
It total, 14 years together....have never been careful if I’m being completely honest. We always thought of it happens it happens...years went by and we both realized this is not normal. We had our first surprise in 2017, 6 weeks after finding out we lost it due to being ectopic....having been trying every single month since 😞 sending you tons of baby dust and praying this is your year!


Dawn • Jan 30, 2021
Similar situation here. We haven't been preventing for 4.5 years. We thought it would just happen as you said. One month we tried intentionally at ovulation, I got pregnant, but sadly, I miscarried. Now we have been actively trying every month for the last 10 months around ovulation and then some, and no luck. We've done all the basic testing and can find no explanation. Have you done testing?


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My daughter too 3 years but I'm pregnant again and it only took 4 months this time.


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This is month 16 and I’m ending my period after a chemical. I’m sick of “relax and it’ll happen” or “it will come when it’s supposed to”. It was “supposed” to be here already 😒


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3 years Baby dust to all


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Going on 2 years in February and we’ve had 2 miscarriages


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11 months this time around.


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Almost a year now. We miss my ovulation window some months tho.


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Almost 2yrs