Pooping troubles


So my dd is a grunty little thing. Always struggling to push something out it seems. She is just over 2 weeks old and usually has one, MAYBE 2 poopy diapers a day. This girl is in so much pain sometimes trying to make a B.M. that she turns red in the face & usually its just horrible sounding gas with nothing else. We give her mylicon drops occasionally to help relive the gas & also cycle her legs but it doesn't seem to do much.

I have helped stimulate her twice now with a qtip, I barely have to touch it to her bum & the amount that she is able to push out after that is unreal. Like I don't know how its possible for her little belly to hold that much in there. It makes me feel so bad for her :( . Her doc. Says to try not to do that too often bc she can become dependent on it, but I cannot stand to see her in so much pain and she is so much more relaxed afterward. Im wondering if this is normal or if I should see if there is something more serious going on with her little system?