Cross your fingers for me

Samantha • After 2 years of heartache and 1 miscarriage we welcomed our baby girl on 8/31/20 💗🌈

I need to go buy a pregnancy test ... and I really don’t want to be pregnant.

I’ve been so exhausted lately, my back hurts.. and tonight I had heartburn for the first time since pregnancy 😬 I never get heartburn- only when I was pregnant.

We use condoms (we struggled to conceive so I don’t want birth control) but I don’t have my cycle back yet so idk when I ovulate. Ughhh

My girl is 5 months on Sunday ... and I’m just not ready to make her a big sister yet. I want more time just us.

Pray, cross your fingers, send good vibes.. whatever you can do for me is appreciated 🙈