miscarriage (trigger warning)

i’m 16 and i think i had a miscarriage. i had sex a week ago and i felt okay, and i didn’t think about it at all. i took my normal medicine (besides my benadryl and tylonel, i have a cold) which consists of setraline and adderall. this week has been one of the most stressful weeks of my life, and it just sucked. anyways i woke up this morning and i felt absolutely horrible, i felt really bad abdominal pain and i felt like i was gonna throw up. i took a nap and woke up and when i went to the bathroom there was a lot of blood and there was one clot. (i finished my period 2 weeks ago) and (tmi) it didn’t smell like period blood, it just smelled like regular blood? i told my mom and she thinks it could be an early one (she had 2 and knows what they look like) i’m so scared and sad and i don’t know what to do. someone help?