
So we all hate condoms, right? 😂😭 They’re horrible. Can barely feel anything through them, not even the heat off of our partner’s skin through them.... it’s hard to enjoy sex at all when all you feel is the equivalent of a cool plastic dildo in your hooha, am I right? And the men always complain that they can’t feel anything through them either, RIGHT?!?

So for all you ladies who prefer condoms to the pull out method or being on the pill, or if it’s even just for the sake of STD/STI/UTI protection!!

(I have a latex allergy, so I needed to find a latex free brand ... and)



That’s the latex free brand of condoms that I shall always and forever henceforth use!

The material the condoms are made out of is so stinkin light and thin it feels like absolutely nothing at all, and my man and I feel like he’s not wearing anything at all!!! Feels like skin on skin!! I don’t have cold plastic on me or in me and he doesn’t feel like he’s wearing a glove over himself!

I was skeptical about just how thin they are as are most people who newly try them and are shocked by the sensations they don’t hinder, and I feared they would break when in use

.. so I literally filled one up like a balloon in the sink with faucet water just to test the endurance and that condom got so big it could’ve been a party balloon full of air!! And it didn’t pop!!! I had to just let all the water out!!

Trust me. Try them. You can get them at any Walmart or Walgreens or anywhere with a family planning section 😂🤷🏼‍♀️😂

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk haha and HAPPY ADVENTURES!!! Trust me ladies, trust me