7 month sleep


Anyone else’s LO used to sleep through the night from bedtime to morning with no wake ups for the last couple months (there was the 4 month regression but it felt shorter than this) and then suddenly around 6 months started a pattern of waking up about once per night ? It has continued into 7 months and I am pretty confused what happened here. I have been careful with the wake windows, our nightly routine, everything. I don’t want to run to him right away but what keeps happening is he will wake up sometime between 12-2 suddenly and frantically wailing in his sleep, eyes are closed and it comes out of nowhere startling me and my husband. If he’s on his belly sometimes if we flip him over he just stops crying and goes back to sleep. I don’t even know whether or not he’s fully awake it’s weird. Other times we might need to rub his belly or take him out and rock him for him to settle down. And if he’s still crying frantically when we try to rock him then sometimes we need to give him a pacifier or bottle for him to settle down. I didn’t want to reinforce/ create a nighttime habit of a wake up but the sudden frantic yelling crying is startling and impossible to ignore. And I thought it was just a phase like the 4 month was for us. Now I’m worried we are stuck