Early Labor


Update: contractions stopped and I haven't dilated past a 3 in 24 hours so I just got discharged! They did say to take it as easy as I can and rely on help from friends and family until I can get to 37 weeks. I'm 3 days away so I think I can make it 😅

Contractions started around 3pm, got 5 minutes apart around 6, went in to get checked and was 1.5 cm and 50% effaced so they decided to watch me. By 10pm I was at a 2.5 and contractions are only 3 minutes apart so they sent me by helicopter to a hospital with a NICU just in case. I'm now at a 3 and 100% effaced and contractions are definitely getting worse. So we may be having us a January baby 😅 35 weeks 3 days so reallllly hoping for no NICU 🤞