LG surge? Is this normal?


Hi there. I finally got my first positive OPK after going off the pill 3 months ago.

I am currently CD15 and my last two cycles have been 35 and 32 day cycles.

My took today’s first OPK @1.39pm. It was my SMU and was held since around 8.30am (I only had a coffee and that was at 10.00am).

The second OPK I took today was @5.36pm. I have held using since my last OPK @1.39 and have had lunch and a glass of water.

My result is coming up as a negative. Could it be because of the water. Should I still take my first OPK today as a positive.

I have BDing every second day since CD8. Last night we bd, so should I tonight and tomorrow night as well??

Sorry I am new to TTC