When you know it's time to go...

Elizabeth • Student and former nanny and daycare attendant. Just making my way through the world learning and teaching
I know it's time to leave. I love my husband and I've posted about this a lot in the last 30 days. This weekend his mom spilled the beans on my decision to leave and since then my husband has been very isolating. He doesn't look at me, talk to me, touch me, or acknowledge me. 
The emotional turmoil has to end and it will soon. I'm leaving soon and he feels like I just won't be back. I've told him if he shows that he is taking responsibility for his life and choices then I will come back but now that he's basically just given up, called me a child who doesn't help at all, and isolated me from the rest of the family it is clear I may just need to file for divorce...not how I pictured being 24 but ok then.
I don't need anyone telling me that marriage is a 100% effort from both parties, nor do I need anyone telling me that I need to keep giving my all to a relationship that has only one party giving 100% all the time. I know I made vows that are supposed to last through the ups and downs the issue is that I've hit a bottom and am completely emotionally drained. The relationship isn't healthy and I cannot and will not stay in a relationship that is toxic like this. That being said, if all you are going to do is tell me to stay and try to make things work please feel free to bugger off and take your opinion with you! You are not me and do not know the hell I've been living in and I'd appreciate support but no negativity or comments that make me seem like a quitter, you don't have to live in the emotional and verbal abuse.