Best medical advice for what I’m dealing with?

For the passed two weeks I’ve been experiencing vomiting (which started when I suspected I had food poisoning), occasional diarrhea, extreme body aches and soreness, and a persistent sore throat. I’m stuck in a situation where I can’t get to a primary care provider immediately, and I know it isn’t covid since I’ve been tested recently. I woke up in the middle of the night, hardly able to move my arms and legs from how weak and sore I feel. It’s to the point where I tear up in frustration because I can’t sleep. I’ve already been to a clinic twice, and all they can do about it is prescribe me pain meds/anti nausea meds.

It’s concerning, because the pain and extreme soreness came out of left-field. I’m generally a pain free person. I’m only twenty years old, so the likelihood of it being arthritis is slim to none. Also, I’m generally and active person, but the minute I rest my body, my joints starts to stiffen up and become sore. I just can’t get to a primary care provider immediately, and I worry that I may have developed some internal infection. Any advice or recommendations would help. No rude comments please. Thank you in advance.