How often is your baby eating during the day and how old is he or she?

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3-4 hrs, but usually 5-6 at night. Shes 7 wks old:)


Morgan • Dec 7, 2015
she eats 3-4 oz. Most of the time its 3 1/2 oz


Stefanie • Dec 7, 2015
that's almost exactly what my lil guy is at! he'll be 7 weeks on Wed. how many oz does your lil onr eat at each feeding?


Stefanie • Dec 7, 2015
that's almost exactly what my lil guy is at! he'll be 7 weeks on wed.


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3-4 but we get a 6 hour stretch at night 8wks old 


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My little one eats every 2 hrs during the day....sometimes every 1.5.  We are breastfeeding, so everything is on demand for her needs.  At night she stretches 3-4 hrs.  Dr and lactician consultant say this is completely normal. 


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When she wakes up i feed her. If she's grouchy i try. She eats 19-21oz durring the day. Sometimes she'll eat 6oz other times 3 then 3 more an hour later.


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During the day 1.5-3 hours.  Sleeps for 7+ hours at night without waking to eat but once he does wake to eat after the stretch he's up every 2-3 until we wake up for the day.  He's 11 weeks tomorrow. EBF


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My daughter nurses Every 3-4 hours during the day and goes 5-7 hours at night. She is 6 weeks old. 


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My daughter eats every 4 to 4 1/2 hours during the day she takes her last bottle at 8:30 9 pm and usually doesn't wake up to eat again until 7:30 8:00 in the morning. She will be 2 months old next Wednesday 


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Six weeks - every 1.5-2 hours during day; every 3 hours at night with one 5 hour stretch 


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My daughter eats every 3 hours or less during the day (breastfed only) and she sleep 8 hours at night since 6 weeks. My son was the same also breastfed only ;-). 


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My kid is an eater 1-3 hours during the day he is ebf. Usually at night it's 3-4 hours. When I got sick and had to take meds he was getting some formula and would sleep 5-6 hours. Still tempted to go back to formula lol. I miss sleeping.


Katie • Nov 30, 2015
Oh and he will be 9 weeks Tuesday.