I feel defeated


I am sick and tired of seeing these, when the hell will I see my first two lines? 😞 I’ve been TTC for baby #1 for the past 6 years, I’ve seen people get pregnant twice through those six years, and I can’t even make one. I’ve seen a fertility specialist in 2018 and 2019. I’ve been put on clomid and femara, and still NOTHING. I took a break because it’s so mentally and emotionally exhausting to be so hopeful and excited for something, and getting let down by your body time and time again.

I’ve been testing since CD42, and now I’m on CD53 with nothing but negatives. I’m loosing so much hope, the worst thing someone can say to me is to just adopt, it must be so damn easy for someone that can bare their own children to say that. I WANT MY OWN. 💔💔💔😭😭😭😭