Prepping the spouse

Ellen • 💍👧🏽👼🏼👼🏼🌈🤰🏻

A lot on my mind here. Feel a little scatter brained. So I’m getting a little nervous now about how my fiancé will be when the baby comes and how to prepare him or if I should let him figure things out on his own. Some backstory, he was deployed when we had our daughter so I did it all myself for the first 4 months. And after that he was home only weekends for a couple years. I’m prepared and know what to expect and already have a plan of how things will be. But I forget that this is his first time. And on top of that we’ll both have to balance out caring for both kids. Luckily my daughter is 4 and pretty good at doing what she can for herself and helping us when needed. But I’m also worried that we may go through that “rough patch” that people talk about in relationships with new babies. Even though we already have a kid, taking care of a newborn together is new. I hope that he can realize that no matter how long of a day it’s been at work that when he comes home it’s time to now put in more effort to either take our toddler or the baby for a bit because it’s also going to be exhausting for me. I don’t want to end up being the nagging spouse that has to ask for help or a break while I’m doing other things or just need to have time to relax and heal. Once I’m healed and feeling good physically I know I’ll be more relaxed and not feel like I need to throw the baby at him the second he comes home 😂Another worry is that since I’ve done it all before he may feel like I’m not letting him do things on his own or making him feel stupid because I’ll know something he doesn’t. I don’t know I just have a lot that I’m starting to actually worry about. And I’ve talked to him about this already and shared what my thoughts and expectations are. But now that the day is getting closer it’s bothering me again. I don’t know anyone that has been in this situation so I don’t have anyone to go to or talk to about it. Okay vent over 😂