O-negative blood


I'm curious if anyone with "O-" has has complications with a miscarriage. My husband said his oldest mother has 2 miscarriages and when she was showing signs of having a 3rd he rushed her to the hospital. She was told that because of her blood type she needed to take something to basically keep her body from trying to fight off the baby like it was an infection. I was wondering of this is something others have experienced? I'm "O-" and had a miscarriage at 10w5d on September 1, 2020. I understand most of the time this happens due to chromonal issues. I just can't help but also think that maybe if I had taken whatever she had that I wouldn't have had a miscarriage. This is the 3rd miscarriage my husband has had to go through being the father. Only once with me as his Wife but I don't want either of us to go through that again if its preventable.