How frequently do you eat throughout the day?


I think I’m starting to figure out how to keep the nausea at bay (sort of) but I feel like I’m eating all day long. This is what it generally looks like - how often do you eat to keep the nausea away? I’m trying to be health conscious but it’s really difficult when nothing sounds appetizing.

630/7 - Banana or Cheerios

8 - Eggs on toast or something carby

10 - sour candy

11 - cottage cheese/fruit or celery

1230 - sandwich or something carby

2 - sour candy

3 - fruit smoothie, Cheerios

4 - sour candy

5 - dinner, usually some kind of veg and rice combo

630 - PB toast, sometimes ginger ale

I find that I feel worse in the evenings, and that if I’m too hungry or too full I feel sick either way. I also keep crackers by the bed if I wake up in the middle of the night and feel sick.