C section mamas

What style of underwear do you find to be the most comfortable after your incision healed? Still wearing granny panties as my pre-baby hipsters/bikinis irritate my scar after a few hours

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I'm 5 years from my last c section and I have no issues with my scar. I wear bikini, thong, boy shorts etc. It actually looks like it's not even there. I've had 3 c sections by the same obgyn and she did a wonderful job.


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Under the belly maternity underwear.


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I’m almost 4 years PP and I still wear granny panties. I don’t like anything sitting in my scar.


Sy • Jan 31, 2021
No I can’t feel it, but if my husband picks me up like around the stomach and lifts I feel like it’s stretching. I know it’s not but it’s the first thing my mind goes to


L.A • Jan 31, 2021
I know this sounds weird but can you still feel your scar? As in if the underwear are sitting on top is it irritating?


Posted at
To be honest low wearing thongs feel most comfortable for me. High granny style underwear rolls up under my belly RIGHT at the spot where my scar is and puts more pressure on it.


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https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZJTGK6W/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_MA0W0ZT8ZJNFJ0WC7VR9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1I’m 5 weeks pp from a csection and these are great for me.


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I am 5 months pp. I use h&m maternity undies. Basically granny panties. I can use my old undies with lace (I use the ones that was cottpon and has a lace ege seen on, so it has a seam exactly where my incisions is) etc also. But not two days in a row. 😃 They still make thw incisions site itch in longer use a bit, so I avoid overuseing them. So now when I buy new ones I just have to look more at the front, but as I don't need to buy all new yet I am replaceing gradually and I just buy from a store where I can look and touch them before buying.