Struggling with infertility- how would you want find out a friend is pregnant?

Regan • Mom to Hudson James (3/27/18), Briggs Michael (10/17/19) and Henley Rae (2/23/23) and two angels (4/2017 & 1/2022) 💕

I struggled with infertility with my first son. 2.5 years and 3 rounds of <a href="">IVF</a>. That was over 4 years ago. I’m now trying for #3 so I’ve been thinking about this lately.

So if I get pregnant easily (like i did with my second) I want to approach my friends that are also trying the best way possible. On the other hand if I don’t get pregnant and go through treatments again I’m curious how others would want this handled?

Whether you have struggled with infertility or you haven’t .... what would be your preference on how to find out a friend is pregnant?

Obviously it’s difficult no matter what.... personally I think I’d rather hear it from my friend directly but over a text or phone call. That way I don’t find out over social media but also it’s not in person so I have time to process and cry haha

Sorry this is a rather long explanation 😂

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