Late period... Confused

Amy • Full Sail University '17
Okay, so two years ago I got off birth control because I was getting sick and gaining too much weight to the point of unhealthy. I started loosing weight and using condoms with my boyfriend. Ever since getting off the pill I wasn't getting my period for almost a whole year. I went to my OBGYN and she told me that for woman getting off birth control in some cases that it's normal due to hormones trying to get back in order. Just recently back in June I started getting my period for the whole summer. October I had the weirdest period ever and it was one heavy period and spotting for two days after. Now the month of November is ending and I siding get my period and I don't know what to think... I know I should go to my doctors but I sometimes feel crazy always going to her thinking I'm pregnant.  Have any of you girls been through something like this ? Just looking for some advice.