Missing my man❤😭😢


Hey guys, I just wanted to share with u my story. My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years and we have been through a super rough time during the last few months of 2020 but it ended with great news for us which left us both sad. We have begun the new year with a sad departure because he left to continue his studies abroad ( for 8 months) to become an IT director for his present job. At the beginning I was super happy for him and still am because he has helped me when I continue my studies and he was very supportive and I couldn't have done it without him. As soon as he left (this month in January) I felt like I was going to be ok, that I wouldn't miss him so much, u know. Telling myself that I could handle it but what I failed to realize is that this is our first time being away from each for this long. I know he has been wanting to continue his studies for a very long time and I don't want to be in the way of his success. We try to talk to each other as much as we can but due to the time difference, it makes it even more harder than it seems. So everyday and every night I say a little prayer for us, asking GOD to strengthen our relationship and to help him during his studies. I sleep with his shirt on and I also sleep on his side of the bed with a little cute picture of us ( call me crazy) sigh...I am really happy and proud of him that he has finally gotten the chance to do what he always wanted to do and I want nothing but the best for him.

Can't wait to see him again.❤
