At my wits end


My son just turned 6 months old. For the last month at least he wakes almost every hour at night. He used to sleep at least 3 to 4 hours at a time.

We use

*white noise

*essential oils

*tylenol before bed for teething

*he eats plenty of solids during the day

*bottle before bed

*we tried letting him take extra naps during the day

* we tried keeping him awake more during the day.

*he sleeps in a sleep sack at night

*will not take a paci

* we take warm bath every night before bed

* tried putting him down earlier

* tried putting him down later

Nothing works

I put him down at 10:30 pm tonight and he has woke 4 times. I don’t pick him up when he wakes. I let him cry for a few then gently rock his bed until he falls back asleep. This last time it took me a hour to get him back to sleep. Idk what to do. I work full time and my husband does too. I feel like

I’m losing my mind because of no sleep

He is such a happy chill baby allllll day but bedtime is rough

Anyone have any suggestions?