
I had a meltdown last night because my child would not sleep and everytime I closed my eyes, he'd start grunting and itd eventually turn into a cry. My husband pleaded with me to allow us to bedshare 7 months ago when we brought him home saying in his culture thats how it is done. So in my unfit time of mind, I said yes. The beginning of our bedsharing was great. He was so tiny and I'd wake up every so often and check him and it was nice because he was right next to me.

Do you know how I know he is okay now? He kicks me...constantly, kicks me off the bed and pulls at my shirt at all hours of the night. Last night I was pulling him over to the middle so I could lay flat finally when my husband opened his arms to try to cuddle. I started crying because this child has come between us, our intimate moments and its not his fault....its our fault because we both allowed this. My husband doesn't think its a big deal and wants him to be in bed until our next one. 😳😳😳 I can't imagine being pregnant and dealing with this.

This morning, I woke up and was ensuring all of my husband's lunch was together (some things are in the fridge and others are in the pantry) and I told him I was sorry for my meltdown and that I just wanted to sleep. He goes " Oh its all good, I'm used to how many you have and know how to deal with you..."

This was the first time I've melted down. I really thought that I was pretty strong for getting to 7 months dealing with this...but instead I get an asshole answer. So im like whatever, stay quiet and figure it was due to sleep depravity.

Any others have an absolute asshole for a husband? How tf do you deal when you are so sleep deprived. Oh and how can I stop bedsharing because I'm f-ing over it! My mom got us a bassinet that he is now too big for and was super disappointed when we didn't use she should be.