Ruptured ovarian cyst



What did your ruptured cyst feel like?

I woke up this morning to extreme pain when I stood up. It felt bloated/heavy, very painful and lasted for about 20 minutes. Still tender and sore but manageable now.

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How did your appointment go?


Diane • Feb 3, 2021
Doctor doesn’t think it was a ruptured cyst, which is great. Scheduled for an ultrasound later this week.


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I have had one rupture with debilitating pain - thought appendix ruptured but was the wrong side. Some women pass out or go to emergency because the pain is so bad. Definitely discuss with your doc. I recommend having an ultrasound to see if there are more. Might be worth discussing possible endometriosis with your doc as well. I’m so sorry you had to experience that - it’s terrible. In most cases ovarian cysts are “functional” (normal), common, and nothing to worry about.


Diane • Feb 3, 2021
I have the Endo all over my pelvic region (bladder, ovaries, uterus and left tube), not really in a certain area.


Diane • Feb 3, 2021
Good luck with your lap and tests next week. Hope all goes well for you!


Mon • Feb 2, 2021
It was 15 years ago so my memory may not be accurate. I think the extremely severe pain (10/10, sharp, stabbing) lasted for maybe 25-35 min. Was still in significant pain for several hours afterward, with soreness the next day. I also had intense cramping leading up to that for a few hours in the same area. I’m so sorry to hear you also have endometriosis. I suspect I have it too, my mother had it and I have many of the symptoms. Have had a miscarriage and difficulty conceiving since. Next week I will have laparoscopy, HSG and saline sonogram in one appointment next week. Bracing for bad news. Where is your endometriosis?


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I was cramping before it popped. But when it did, my entire stomach bloated (I looked 9mos pregnant) and it felt like it was on fire. I was laying on the floor and couldn’t move. It was so painful. I went to the hospital and they said one ruptured and there was another just chilling. It took about 3 weeks for my stomach to go back down and the pain to go away. It was worse than labor.


Diane • Feb 1, 2021
Thanks. Sorry you went through that.


Mi • Feb 1, 2021
It also depends on how big they are. The one that popped and the one that was there were about 4-5cm.