Trying for baby number 2



Anyone else find it harder on their emotions trying for baby #2? I’m not sure if it’s because I had a chemical pregnancy back in summer or I just thought it would be quicker this time but every month when I get my period I’m crushed. Like way more them trying for my first. Just my period starting yet again so thank you for listening.

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I definitely understand where you’re coming from. My first two were easy. My third is proving to be way more difficult. Don’t give up ✨❤️. Some women experience secondary infertility but also it can take up to a year for a healthy couple to conceive.


Lindsay • Feb 1, 2021
Exact same experience ⬆️ Got pregnant on second/third try three different times (one MC) and it’s been 7 months of trying for #3. J think there’s something to say for knowing what all is at stake now? You know how wonderful it is so you’re looking for it even harder and it hurts more. I totally empathize with you!


Posted at
🙌🏻🙌🏻We’ve been trying since May 2020. Two miscarriages and just got my BFP. It’s been so stressful and I’m sad because I’m afraid to get too excited.


Ni • Feb 1, 2021
I’m so happy for you and I hope you have a healthy pregnancy.


Posted at
Trying for baby #2! My first pregnancy I got lucky because we only tried for a couple months and after getting BFN, I sort of stop trying and also, my cycle varies every month so it’s really hard to track when I ovulated. But by the 3rd month and literally only had sex about 4x that month without tracking ovulation, I ended up pregnant. This time, for some reason, I have a feeling I’m gonna have to work extra hard (meaning lots of ovulation sticks) trying to have baby #2. 😩


Posted at
We’re also trying for #2. I’m feeling all the emotions right there with you. TTC is an emotionally journey & a lot more difficult than I thought