Did he probably just come on dates with me because he felt bad for talking for so long?

Met a guy on a dating app before first lockdown. He seemed super interested in me and asked me on a date. It was cancelled cause of lockdown

We continued texting for months. But he started taking weeks to reply and ghosting then coming back

Then we went on a date 6 months later. It was nice but he made it feel quite platonic. After the date he didn’t text me for 3 days so 3 days later I texted him to let him know I had a lovely time

He again kept taking a week or so to reply. I asked him on another date and he agreed and we had a lovely time. He said he wanted to take me to this cool museum

Then he took a month to reply to my text. Says he wants to talk in a friendly way but not very often as he’s in a ‘bad headspace.’

I can’t stop thinking I just wasn’t attractive as guys just never pursue me or make effort for future dates

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