I’ve had it!!! 😡😡


I don’t know what to do anymore!! This is the second time in like 2 months that my lo is refusing his bottle. He can’t even look at it cause he will start crying and when I try to give it to him, he stretches away crying. This morning he skipped a feeding my mom said she fed him and he almost gagged I call his pedi and of course he is not there but the nurse said just keep and eye on him like I’m stupid he’s been doing it for days not just one feeding of course cause I’m a first time mom they think I’m over reacting. No he is not teething yet either at least I think. He did this 2 months ago when he was 5months and they told me oh he probably teething . I’m just worried moms what do I do. What do you do when your lo ones refuse to take the bottle.

He is formula fed

At 5 months I did change his bottle to a new one I also took him to the actual hospital to see if they can give me answers they said it was prob his reflux so idk if the medicine worked or the bottle change. Went from dr brown to mam. Idk if I should change bottle again.

I dont know someone help me