What a happy day


After 6 weeks of anxious waiting and not knowing wether we will be blessed to meet our baby boy or not, we got the best results we could ever hope for from my amnio!!

Bit of back story: we did the NIPT at 10 weeks and it came back positive; high risk for trisomy 13. Babies with T13 hardly make it full term because of disabilities and heart defects.If they survive birth they die within the first hours to days of their live.

It was devastating news and time stopped that day. We had to wait 4 long weeks to do the amniocentesis (was done 1/21). Today I was climbing up the walls and couldn’t wait any longer so I called the clinic asking if my results came back(we do have an appointment 2/4 to talk about the results)

And they did....the NIPT was a false positive!!! Our baby boy is completely healthy!!! We are over the moon, crying happy tears and can finally breath again.

Thank you God for being so good to us!! It’s all in your hands!!