

Anyone else just wishing they knew what was specifically going on with their body? I know I’m overweight but didn’t have any issues with that with my son. I have periods that are spot on every month 28-29 day cycle. I just started tracking with opk and I have a high and peak around cd 14 every month. Due to stomach pains last month I was able to get ultrasounds and pap (again) to check my ovaries and everything and it all came back normal so did my reg pap. Dr said I’m all good to try again and I have no issues but why am I not getting preg as easily. I’ve been taking prenatals and maca pills and I tried mucinex which I feel helped with cm and we bd like every day. Like I get it I’m older now but damn I’m only 29. I think I’m out this month.. 10dpo and getting af like cramps... I’ll try temping as well but sheesh this is so fd up