I gave up! 🥰


I wanted to do a vbac but I ended with a repeat c-section. I had an appointment 2/1/21 and her heart-rate seemed to be dropping. I was 1cm dilated and 0% effaced. We went over to the hospital for monitoring and I decided over there I was ready to meet her. Her heart rate turned out great and I could have gone longer but I was ready. I’m happy I tried but now I’m even happier holding her in my arms 🥰🥰🥰

Nora Grace Elaine B.


8lbs 3ozs

19 1/2 inches long

Breastfeeding going great so far 🥰😃🙌🏻

(My last breastfeeding with my son didn’t go so well. My son was born at 35w 2d but measured 33w and I pumped as he never latched and my supply was never enough so 3 months for him and then he had a cows milk allergy so amino milk for him)

Repeat c-section that went great!

She stayed in nursery for low stats for 2 hrs but is doing great now! I had some bleeding after my surgery but we got it under control and I’m feeling great so far. (I know this won’t last too long 😅 but I’ll feel a lot better in time and when I get home) We are scheduled to go home Wednesday if no problems arise.

I am in love! My first baby girl! First was a boy. Now I have two sweet blessings! A little over 2 years apart.