Pregnancy after postpartum hemorrhage??


We’re planning for baby number 2. Thinking we’ll be starting “not not trying” when our first baby is 18 months.. so about 5 months away. I had a pretty traumatic birth story with my first. Biggest takeaways were very low amniotic fluid causing early induction, baby’s heart rate dropped very low calling crash team in twice while in labor (23hrs) turns out the cord was really tight around his neck so it was a positional thing, and then postpartum hemorrhage. I was on the table getting internally stitched up for over an hour after birth among transfusions and such. My post visits seem great & I’ve healed well.

My question is, have any of you been given medical advice after hemorrhaging moving forward? Should I have another discussion with my OB before trying again to ensure I’m doing the most I can to protect this next possible pregnancy?

I’m healthy, exercise, and stayed active my whole last pregnancy, TIA!