Can I eat white rice? I’ve seen multiple things that pregnant women should not eat rice due to there being arsenic

No hate. Just a first time momma trying to do her best🥰

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Posted at
I was so scared of everything I ate the first 3 months. No deli meat, rice etc. by the time I was 6 months I ate everything in sight lmao. Everyone said “don’t eat deli meats it’s so bad!” My baby craved a sandwich every week. ‘& I ate one every week lol. He came out being a perfect little angel. Congratulations!!


Winter • Feb 3, 2021
Omg this is so me! I have to have a deli sandwhich I ate a sandwhich the morning I found out deli meat was a no no 🤦🏾‍♀️ my bf even argues with me about the deli meat but gives in and gives it to me aways 😂


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Arsenic in rice? Wtf 😂 Just eat the damn rice


🖤Geraldine💀 • Feb 2, 2021
Wow, google checks out. I had no idea. My OBs have never mentioned me staying away from rice though, must not be that bad.


Michi 🔮 • Feb 2, 2021
It's true though


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My husband has read that soaking rice for a min of 30 mins and then rinsing it helps to cut down the amount of arsenic by quite a bit


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I e also heard that it’s the arsenic in the soil that transfers to the rice grown in America. I think there is less in it if it’s grown in Asia. That’s just what my sister told me and she’s a bit of a health food nut.


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Rinse it well, it removes a fair bit of arsenic. Also white rice contains less arsenic than brown rice


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Brown rice has more arsenic..


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I never hear of such thing I have always esten rice.