Fed up

So I must go on a little rant. I'm 36 weeks and 2 days . My last appointment last week I was still closed and I was oked to start walking & doing certain stuff to promote dilation. I'm so sick of people telling me things . "Let her come when she is ready" "don't do this don't do that" yet everyone telling me I'd not a doctor. It's not like I'm trying to pop my own water or something . I just decided to do certain things to help soften the cervix. My husband is military and will be home the 17th my due date is the 25th of December. I don't wanna go past my due date as he will miss the birth and it being our first baby that's likly so I started trying to soften my cervix now . No big measures or anything . Just sick of judgement and being talked down to. My daughters health Is number one regardelsss. I'm not over here doing crazy things to get her out or something.