Bedtime sleep advice

Crystal • 4 failed IUIs before Fresh IVF cycle July 2016 which resulted in my 3 year old daughter. FET Jan 2018 resulted in miscarriage. August FET #2 & October #3 & January #4 failed. Round 2 of IVF June 2019 failed. Surprise natural BFP Nov 2019🤞

So LO was sleeping through the night (9-5) at 6 weeks and we were so happy. After 4 month shots/fever she started waking up 2 times a night and it hasn't stopped!! She will wake, eat and go back to sleep so nothing major but id like her to get back to sleeping more. I've cut back on feeding at night but it just seems like habit at this point. Advice? CIO? I hate to wake up my 4.5 year old. BTW she us in PNP in our room still. TiA