Has anyone ever used Sun In hair lightener?


This is a hair lightener spray that mainly includes diluted hydrogen peroxide and lemon to lighten hair. Back in the 80/90's I guess the formula was really bad and ruined a bunch of people's hair but they recently changed the formula and the reviews are pretty good. Has anyone tried the new formula? Did it work for your hair?

For a while I did the diy, diluted hydrogen peroxide, lemon and chamomile mixture but I didn't notice a big difference.

The reason I want to try this is because the formula is supposed to be strong enough to actually change your hair color, it's pretty cheap and it's heat activated with a hair dryer (not just sun activated, which is nice for the winter since we don't have sun).

I've seen people with dark or black hair complain that it turns their hair reddish/strawberry. I have mousey brown/dirty blonde hair with natural blonde highlights that frame my face. Do you think it would work better?

I understand what hydrogen peroxide does to your hair and if you later decide to dye it, it can break or melt off. I won't be dying my hair, but I just want it a bit lighter. The fact that I already have natural blonde highlights makes me think it might work better.

If you have used it, would you recommend it? Have your experiences been good?